Environment variables


The LXD client and daemon respect some environment variables to adapt to the user's environment and to turn some advanced features on and off.


Name Description
LXD_DIR The LXD data directory
LXD_INSECURE_TLS If set to true, allows all default Go ciphers both for client <-> server communication and server <-> image servers (server <-> server and clustering are not affected)
PATH List of paths to look into when resolving binaries
http_proxy Proxy server URL for HTTP
https_proxy Proxy server URL for HTTPs
no_proxy List of domains that don't require the use of a proxy

Client environment variable

Name Description
EDITOR What text editor to use
VISUAL What text editor to use (if EDITOR isn't set)

Server environment variable

Name Description
LXD_EXEC_PATH Full path to the LXD binary (used when forking subcommands)
LXD_LXC_TEMPLATE_CONFIG Path to the LXC template configuration directory
LXD_SECURITY_APPARMOR If set to false, forces AppArmor off
LXD_UNPRIVILEGED_ONLY If set to true, enforces that only unprivileged containers can be created. Note that any privileged containers that have been created before setting LXD_UNPRIVILEGED_ONLY will continue to be privileged. To use this option effectively it should be set when the LXD daemon is first setup.